An Interpretation of the Cumulative Impact of FASTag on the Reduction of Environmental Pollution and Traffic Delays at Toll Booths: A Case Study


  • Anil Kumar Chhotu Civil Engineering Department, Motihari College of Engineering, Motihari, Bihar, India
  • Anil Kumar Civil Engineering Department, Motihari College of Engineering, Motihari, Bihar, India
  • Akash Priyadarshee Civil Engineering Department, Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology, Bihar, India
  • Ghausul Azam Ansari Civil Engineering Department, Motihari College of Engineering, Motihari, Bihar, India
  • Niraj Kumar Civil Engineering Department, Motihari College of Engineering, Motihari, Bihar, India
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 20395-20400 | February 2025 |


Traffic congestion has been identified as a significant contributor to the environmental degradation and elevated fuel consumption. The causes of traffic delays are multifaceted, with toll booths positioned on highways being a notable factor. This study aims to analyze the impact of toll booths on traffic congestion, with a particular focus on the case study of the highway toll booth in question. The analysis will include a comparison of the delay times before and after the implementation of the FASTag system. The study will also undertake an economic evaluation to assess the cost implications of delay. The findings of this study indicate that congestion is more pronounced in the presence of manual toll booths compared to automated systems. The present study uses the 'Chakiya Toll Plaza on National Highway 27A, located between Motihari and Muzaffarpur, as a case study. This toll booth has been initially operated with a manual toll collection system, but has since transitioned to the FASTag implementation. A comprehensive analysis encompasses both traffic volume and delay studies, with a focus on their environmental and economic ramifications. The analysis reveals that for each Passenger Car Unit (PCU), the environmental cost is 8.3 rupees and the fuel cost is 15.34 rupees. The idle time cost is calculated as 8.34 rupees. The overall cost of the manual toll collection delay, including all the aforementioned factors, is found to be 52.3 rupees. However, the implementation of FASTag significantly reduces this cost to. 8.20 rupees.


tollbooth, traffic delay, FASTag, environmental loss, fuel loss


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How to Cite

Chhotu, A.K., Kumar, A., Priyadarshee, A., Ansari, G.A. and Kumar, N. 2025. An Interpretation of the Cumulative Impact of FASTag on the Reduction of Environmental Pollution and Traffic Delays at Toll Booths: A Case Study. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 20395–20400. DOI:


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