About the Journal

Focus and Scope

  • Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research (ETASR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, wide scope international journal comprising various diverse aspects of science application, technology and engineering.

  • The main aim of ETASR is to provide fast publication to scientists, researchers and engineers from both academia and industry, that wish to communicate recent developments and applications in their field.

  • ETASR is published bimonthly and final decision about each submission will be taken within 4 weeks.

  • ETASR publishes mainly technical papers that should contain new theoretical and/or test results. ETASR will also consider for publication review articles, tutorials perspectives and correspondence concerning views and information about papers published in previous issues.

  • ETASR publishes original papers in various fields of Applied Science, Technology and Engineering that cover, but are not limited to, the following areas: Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Data Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Marine and Naval Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Power Engineering, Software Engineering, Applied Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Control, Computer Hardware and Architecture, Computer Science, Construction and Building Technology, Cryptography and Steganography, Cybernetics, Electronics, Energy and Fuels, Food Science and Technology, Information Systems, Information Technology and Informatics, Instruments and Instrumentation, Laser and Optics, Materials Science, Measurement and Metrology, Medical Informatics, Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Physics, Mineralogy, Mining and Mineral Processing, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging, Nuclear Science and Technology, Operations Research and Management Science, Plant Sciences, Polymer Science, Radiology, Remote Sensing, Robotics, Signal Processing, Soil Science, Sustainability, Telecommunications, Telecommunications, Transport and Communications, Transportation Science and Technology, Water Resources, Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, and Human-Computer Interaction.

  • ETASR is oriented towards publishing articles that communicate advances, interesting implementations and parts of on-going research in fields of interest.
  • In addition, ETASR offers a medium to authors for fast publishing individual parts of their work that are used as basis for diverse further research (e.g. a new software, a modification or an original measuring apparatus/technique),  specific aspects of their research that are important but not closely linked with the rest of the work (e.g. a study for the economical aspect of a technical implementation) and certain parts of their work that can be later used as citations, allowing authors to comply with page limits set by other journals.

  • A standard research article published in ETASR consists of six pages but no page limit is set.  Further, color figures and pictures are accepted providing that they are of good quality.

  • An additional aim for ETASR is to offer a medium to authors for publishing and permanent referring papers that have been presented at international conferences that do not publish their proceedings, providing that the author still owns the copyrights of his paper.

  • Further, unlike most journals, ETASR accepts papers that describe negative findings and research failures, since it feels that publishing negative results is valuable and saves considerable time and effort for other scientists around the world.

  • Finally, ETASR publishes papers from diverse fields of engineering, technology and science application and has a rather diverse oriented Editorial Board in an attempt to strengthen the collaboration of scientists and researchers of different backgrounds, which can prove valuable in their specific areas and in promoting research in general.

Peer Review Process

All submitted papers will be pre-screened by the Editor to determine suitability for further review (e.g. correct format,  area of interest). Papers deemed suitable will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers (single blind review). Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published bimonthly and a decision about each submitted paper  will be reached within  4 weeks from submission. Accepted papers will be published as soon as possible (possibly in the following issue).

Open Access Policy

ETASR provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

ETASR is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher, providing that they acknowledge its initial publication in this journal.

See our Copyright Notice here


If similarities with already published material are detected, then depending on the extent of the similarities, the editor may reject the paper or contact the author and ask for an explanation/revision (e.g. in the case of suspected self-plagiarism).

We are aware that using plagiarism detection softwares may result to unjust accusations and therefore our team (editor and editorial board members) will consider all data in order to determine if the paper under examination bears new scientific data that deserve to be published.

On the other hand, if it is decided that the author deliberate plagiarized a paper this may even cause the banning of all co-authors from our journal for a certain period or even permanently. In such a case, the authors will be contacted and an explanation will be asked.

In case of a published paper that is judged to be the result of plagiarism, the paper will be retracted and this will be clearly stated in the paper's title, in the abstract page and in the pdf and an explanation/cause of retraction will also be provided.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

This journal is committed to the permanent and free availability of the published work by maintaining its own digital archive but also by partnering with other organizations (libraries, repositories, indexing services etc). Details and links to such services are provided in separate sections of the journal’s site. You can check our Archiving and our Indexing & Links pages for more information.

The Editor-in-Chief, section editors, guest editors and editorial board members (generally referred to as “Editors” from now on) evaluate submitted manuscripts solely on the basis of their content and its relevance to the journal’s scope. The authors’ gender, ethnicity, affiliation and any other characteristics are not considered in any stage. Third party policies (e.g. of governments or any other agencies) are also not considered in any stage. The entire editorial content of the journal and the timing of publication of that content is in the full authority of the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal will be published, based on their content, considering the reviewers’ comments as well as possible legal issues (libel, copyright infringement, plagiarism etc). The Editor-in-Chief may confer with other editors or reviewers in making this decision.

This journal will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to any other than the persons related to the review/publication process (authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, copyeditors, publisher etc) and only to the extent that is required for each review/publication process step. Any manuscripts received for review (along with relevant data/info) are confidential and must not be shown to or discussed with others except under exceptional and specific circumstances and always with the authorization of the Editor-in-Chief. This applies also to reviewers who decline review invitations. The Editors will not use unpublished information, found in submitted manuscripts, for their own research purposes without the authors’ explicit written consent. Editors will not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest and they will ask to be substituted in the handling of such manuscripts.

Editors ensure that all submitted manuscripts considered for publication are peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the field. Each review should be the result/opinion of the assigned reviewer. Any reviewers who feel unqualified or unable to undertake and complete the review in time should notify the Editors and decline the invitation. Reviews should be objective and all observations should be formulated clearly with supporting arguments. Personal criticism in any stage (and from any party) of the review process is inappropriate. Any invited referee who has any conflict of interest should immediately notify the Editors and decline the review invitation. Unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the authors. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for the reviewer’s personal advantage. This applies also to invited reviewers who decline the review invitation. Any statement that is an observation, derivation or argument that has been reported in previous publications should be accompanied by the relevant citation in the manuscript considered for publication. Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors and report any possibility of plagiarism (even in the case of similarities with unpublished material that they have personal knowledge of).

Authors of original research should provide an accurate account of the work/results, followed by an objective discussion of its significance. The manuscript should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Review articles should be objective, comprehensive and accurate whereas Perspective articles (or articles of any other type, e.g. correspondence etc) should be clearly identified as such. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. Authors may be asked to provide the raw data of their study together with the manuscript for editorial review and should be prepared to make the data publicly available if this can be achieved without breaching the confidentiality of the participants and/or any legal rights. Authors should ensure that they submit original work and that they have properly cited any work and/or words of others. Authors should not submit for consideration a manuscript that has already been published in another journal. Authors must be able to take public responsibility for the content. Thus, persons stated as authors must have made significant contribution to the work and the writing of the manuscript and also must have seen and approved the final version and agreed to its submission for publication. All persons who made some contribution to the work (e.g. technical help, writing and editing assistance, general support) but do not meet the criteria for authorship must not be listed as authors, but should however be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgements" section. Authors should disclose any conflict of interest that they may have at the earliest stage possible and also state all sources of financial support (e.g. grant numbers etc). Information obtained privately (from conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties) must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source. Authors should not use information obtained in the course of providing confidential services, such as refereeing manuscripts or grant applications, unless they have obtained the explicit written permission of the authors/copyright holders. The authors must clearly identify any chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards in the manuscript. If the work involves the use of animals or human participants, the authors should ensure that all procedures were performed in compliance with relevant laws and with all respect to privacy rights. Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process and cooperate fully by responding promptly to all Editors’ requests (e.g. provide raw data, clarifications, copyright permissions etc). If revisions are required, authors should respond to the reviewers’ comments point by point, revising and re-submitting their manuscript by the deadline given. When authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their own published work, it is their obligation to promptly notify the Editors or publisher and cooperate with them to either correct the paper in the form of an erratum or to retract the paper. If such errors are discovered (or are thought to be discovered) by the Editors, then it is the authors’ obligation to promptly correct or retract the paper or provide evidence of the correctness of the paper.

Editors (in conjunction with the publisher) will take responsive measures when ethical concerns are raised with regard to a submitted manuscript or published paper, regardless the time of publication. If the ethical concern is found to be well-founded, a correction, retraction, expression of concern or other note as may be relevant, will be published in the journal. The publisher and the Editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, and under no circumstances encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. In case of alleged or proven scientific misconduct they will take all appropriate measures to clarify and to amend the situation (publish an erratum, a clarification or proceed with the retraction).  

Journal History & Important Dates

Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research was firstly published in February 2011 as a group effort of active researchers and engineers to have their “own” journal.

The goal was to introduce a journal "from researchers for researchers". Collective experience available from interacting with the publishing industry from various positions (authors, reviewers, editors etc) was employed as a guide throughout the journal's planning and operation.

Accurate and fast reviews, thorough copyediting, fast and efficient responses, internationality, flexibility and focusing on the goal of communicating research findings and engineering/technology applications were the goals set.

As we gained in experience, several things were redesigned. We decided to “open” our editorial board to new members in late 2011. The steady-number-of-papers-per-issue scheme was abandoned in December 2012. More changes were made in the following year (2013). The first hard copy collective volume was published in 2013. New pages were added in the journal’s site providing useful data & statistics as well as links to the interested reader. An effort was made to give something back to the community by sponsoring events and becoming a Publishing Member of DOAJ at the time.

In late 2013, Science magazine published a study describing the submission of a fake research article to more than 300 open-access journals. ETASR was one of the 98 journals that declined the bogus paper. 

ETASR was added to Web of Science in late 2015, through the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). 

ETASR incorporated the PROJECT COUNTER process to count views in November 2017, so that multi-clicks and bot views are filtered by default. Prior to that, all page views and pdf downloads were counted and recorded in a simple database table. Such views are possibly misrepresentative of actual readership, as bot views, crawler indexing, and potential author or visitor abuse (eg. multi-clicking) were not filtered out and, thus, these values are no longer considered in any Metrics related to this journal. Abstract views and pdf downloads are provided in each article's abstract page. A list with all views for all articles as counted prior to November 2017 is provided here.

The journal software was upgraded to OJS 3 in March 2020. An "online first" function was also added shortly after. A Reviewer Rewards program was initiated in June 2020, initially through participating in a proposed cross-publisher scheme.

ETASR joined Crossref and started assigning DOIs to all its published articles (retrospectively) in November 2020. In December 2020, ETASR implemented reference linking (checking references in all papers and adding DOIs where available). A "cited-by" function was also added in December, 2020. ETASR was also awarded a DOAJ seal (for journals that "adhere to outstanding best practice") in December 2020.

A new software upgrade was performed in July 2021 (this time to OJS Along with this new upgrade, new custom-made functions were added. Among others, the manuscript submission process was slightly altered providing new functions such as proposing reviewers. Another upgrade was implemented in November 2021 (to OJS In December 2021, we decided to add a Crossref Citations Statistics page at our site to present the citations we have received from Crossref members per year and the resulting ratio of (number of citations) to (number of publisher papers) per year. A Dimensions badge was also added in each article's abstract page in December 2021 as an alternative way to view citations.

Following a suggestion made by Scopus, we altered our template in February 2022 so that key handling dates (i.e. received, revised, accepted) are shown in the published pdf (the change is effective from our April 2022 issue). We also added these dates to the abstract pages of all published manuscripts starting from our February 2021 issue. 

In July 2022, ETASR passed the 10,000 registered users mark. In the same month, Clarivate announced that ETASR (along with all other journals indexed in ESCI) will be given an impact factor in the 2023 release of the Journal Citation Reports. In September 2022, we resubmitted ETASR for evaluation to Scopus. Following that, in the same month, we added a statement about the corresponding author in each published paper's abstract page (under the key handling dates) and a Frequently Asked Questions page to our site. ETASR was accepted for indexing in Scopus on November 13, 2022.  Our OJS software was upgraded to version in December 2022.

ETASR passed the 12000 registered users and 7500 registered reviewers mark in May, 2023. Starting from Vol. 13, No. 3 (June, 2023), license/copyright information and DOI links were added to the published PDF version of manuscripts and a revised version of our template (that incorporated these information) was added to our site.

In June 2023, Clarivate announced the 2023 Journal Citation Report (JCR) containing the 2022 data and ETASR was awarded its first Impact Factor of 1.5. Also, Clarivate provided a quartile ranking for ETASR based on the Clarivate Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) and ETASR was included in the Q2 group. In September 2023, ETASR initiated its first campaign utilizing the Clarivate Web of Science Author Connect service to announce our journal's Clarivate Journal Impact Factor and JCI Quartile Ranking to a wider audience. Scopus announced our first CiteScore Tracker value (which at the time was 2.7) for ETASR in November 2023.

In March 2024, we decided to utilize our Reviewer Rewards internally, offering rewards to all our reviewers, without any third-party reliance.

ETASR passed the 15000 registered users and 10000 registered reviewers mark in March, 2024.

In April 2024, we noticed that ETASR was added in SCImago a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database that calculates the SJR metric and SJR quartile rankings. Our first SJR value was 0.373 and our first quartile ranking (in the "Engineering (miscellaneous)" category) was Q2. Scopus announce ETASR's Scopus in June 2024 which was 3.0 and the SNIP 2023 value (1.054).

ETASR passed the 18500 registered users and 13500 registered reviewers mark in September, 2024.

You can see respective respective announcements for most of the above in our announcements page.

For additional information, current indexing values and links, visit our indexing and links page.

Note that we also try to keep a preservation page regarding past indexing (sites that used to index ETASR or that still index it but they seem to have incomplete files) here for those that may be interested.

ETASR continues its operation always aiming to the best possible result for authors and readers. 

Publication History & Organization Associations

For a series of years, ETASR was published by EOS Association, a nonprofit organization based in Peloponnisos, Greece aiming to promote culture, science & education.
Although, the cooperation and connection with EOS still continues, it was decided in late 2020 that the publication would be assumed by the journal's Editor-in-Chief (Dr D. Pylarinos). As of September 2024, the journal is published by PUBETA SINGLE MEMBER P.C.

A link to the association's website can be found here.

Science Magazine  Sting & Beall's list & Common Sence 

In late 2013, Science magazine published a study entitled "Who's Afraid of Peer Review?" by J. Bohannon, describing the submission of a fake research article to 304 open-access journals. 49 of them were proved dead. Over 60% of the remaining 255 (an exact number of 157) journals, accepted the paper. ETASR was one of the 98 journals that declined the bogus paper. Full data (publisher/journal/outcome/emails) can be found here. Even though the concept, process, conclusions and motivation of this sting (and of the publicity around it) have raised questions, choosing a proper journal for the publication of someone's work should always be an important issue. There are several sites/blogs that may help (e.g. this one) but some common sense is usually sufficient. 

Journal Abbreviation & Citation

Cite this journal using "Eng. Technol. Appl. Sci. Res." or
"Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research"
Copy citation from above or use exactly as shown above.

Crossref Membership & DOI assignment

ETASR is a Crossref member. ETASR's DOI prefix is 10.48084 and its direct DOI link is https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr. All our published articles acquire a DOI and get registered in Crossref. ETASR also implements reference linking which means that each article's references are checked and DOIs are added.