Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Construction Project Schedule Management: A Review


  • Tuan Anh Nguyen Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Vietnam
  • Tu Anh Nguyen Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Vietnam
  • The Van Tran DEOCA Research and Training Institute, DEOCA Group, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Vietnam
Volume: 14 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 13133-13142 | April 2024 |


Nowadays, the implementation and application of the BIM process in construction project management is a pressing need. This aligns with the global development trends in the construction sector and project information management in general. Numerous scholars and companies are actively engaged in learning, understanding, and investigating various aspects of BIM to stay up-to-date and meet the inevitable developmental requirements. This study focuses on the role and application of BIM, intending to identify limitations that hinder its fulfillment of expectations in project schedule management. In addition, it explores studies that show how other countries have effectively employed BIM in project management and progress tracking throughout the project lifecycle. The study aims to address three main objectives: (a) comprehensively examine and provide evidence related to the concept of BIM in project schedule management, (b) present the benefits of applying BIM in comparison to traditional methods in project management and operation, and (c) identify limitations stemming from various factors that may pose challenges in the application of BIM in project schedule management.


BIM, schedule management, project, model, technology


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How to Cite

Nguyen, T.A., Nguyen, T.A. and Tran, T.V. 2024. Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Construction Project Schedule Management: A Review. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 2 (Apr. 2024), 13133–13142. DOI:


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