GIS-Based Multi Criteria Analysis for Solar Power Plant Site Selection Support in Mecca


  • Tarek Eldamaty Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
  • Ayman G. Ahmed Civil Engineering Department, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
  • Medhat M. Helal Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia | Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
Volume: 13 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 10963-10968 | June 2023 |


One of the major sources of renewable energy, particularly electricity generation and water desalination, is solar energy. The National Initiative to produce Water and Electricity started when the electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia begun to increase by about 5% per year. The current investigation aims to use a multicriteria GIS technique to identify the best spatial location for solar energy collection in the Mecca Administrative District. The best locations for solar power plant construction were determined with the use of a set of factors and criteria, including planning and environmental criteria, and terrain calibrator. These criteria were defined through a thorough literature review. This information was then used to create a digital geographic database, which was incorporated into an integrated GIS to produce a spatial fit model. According to the suitability data, most of Mecca region is ideal for solar energy projects, with an applicability percentage ranging between 30% and 80%. These findings are encouraging and promising for Mecca's renewable energy industry and they should be considered. It was discovered by examining these spatial locations and the level of suitability to the specifications that the lands with a sufficient share of more than 80% form an area of around 4000km2 and makeup 3% of all suitable lands. The governorates of the Mecca Administrative Area are home to most of these exceptionally suited locations. The Taif governorate takes first place with 35% of the total area and the two governorates of Turbah are placed second and third with 24% and 14%. In the Mecca Administrative Area, the appropriate lands for solar energy projects are distributed spatially according to a digital map. The study proposes incorporating the findings into the Saudi national plan for renewable energy sources.


solar power, special analytics, multiple criteria, DSS, GIS


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How to Cite

Eldamaty, T., Ahmed, A.G. and Helal, M.M. 2023. GIS-Based Multi Criteria Analysis for Solar Power Plant Site Selection Support in Mecca. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 3 (Jun. 2023), 10963–10968. DOI:


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