Development of the Contiguous-cells Transportation Problem


  • O. E. Charles-Owaba Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  • V. Oladokun Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  • O. Okunade Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 825-831 | August 2015 |


The issue of scheduling a long string of multi-period activities which have to be completed without interruption has always been an industrial challenge. The existing production/maintenance scheduling algorithms can only handle situations where activities can be split into two or more sets of activities carried out in non-contiguous sets of work periods. This study proposes a contiguous-periods production/maintenance scheduling approach using the Transportation Model. Relevant variables and parameters of contiguous-cells scheduling problem were taken from the literature. A scheduling optimization problem was defined and solved using a contiguous-cells transportation algorithm (CCTA) which was applied in order to determine the optimal maintenance schedule of a fleet of ships at a dockyard in South-Western Nigeria. Fifteen different problems were solved. It is concluded that the contiguous-cells transportation approach to production/ maintenance scheduling is feasible. The model will be a useful decision support tool for scheduling maintenance operations.


Contiguous-cells Transportation Model, Production Maintenance Scheduling, Linear Optimization


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How to Cite

Charles-Owaba, O.E., Oladokun, V. and Okunade, O. 2015. Development of the Contiguous-cells Transportation Problem. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 5, 4 (Aug. 2015), 825–831. DOI:


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