Relevance and Applicability of Multi-objective Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: Review Article


  • B. O. Odedairo Department of Project Management Technology, Bells University of Technology, Nigeria
  • V. Oladokun Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Volume: 1 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 144-150 | December 2011 |


Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is a Non Polynomial (NP) - Hard optimization problem that considers how to assign activities to available resources in order to meet predefined objectives. The problem is usually characterized by precedence relationship between activities with limited capacity of renewable resources. In an environment where resources are limited, projects still have to be finished on time, within the approved budget and in accordance with the preset specifications. Inherently, these tend to make RCPSP, a multi-objective problem. However, it has been treated as a single objective problem with project makespan often recognized as the most relevant objective. As a result of not understanding the multi-objective dimension of some projects, where these objectives need to be simultaneously considered, distraction and conflict of interest have ultimately lead to abandoned or totally failed projects. The aim of this article is to holistically review the relevance and applicability of multi-objective performance dimension of RCPSP in an environment where optimal use of limited resources is important.


Project Management, Scheduling, Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP), Multi-objective, Performance Measure


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How to Cite

Odedairo, B.O. and Oladokun, V. 2011. Relevance and Applicability of Multi-objective Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: Review Article. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 1, 6 (Dec. 2011), 144–150. DOI:


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