Solar Energy Potential and Feasibility Study of a 10MW Grid-connected Solar Plant in Libya


  • Y. Kassem Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Near East University, Cyprus
  • H. Camur Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Near East University, Cyprus
  • O. A. M. Abughinda Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Near East University, Cyprus
Volume: 10 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 5358-5366 | August 2020 |


Libya is currently interested in utilizing renewable energy technologies to reduce the energy dependence on oil reserves and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of a 10MW grid-connected PV power plant in Libya. NASA data are used to analyze the global horizontal irradiation, direct normal irradiation, and air temperature of 22 selected locations in Libya and to evaluate the potential of solar energy. RETScreen software is used to estimate the energy production, GHG emissions, and financial parameters for the 22 locations. Based on the solar atlas map, it is noticed that the highest global horizontal irradiation is in the southern part of Libya, which ranged from 2100 to 2500kWh/m2. These results indicate that Libya has a huge solar energy potential that can be used to ‎generate electricity. Moreover, based on techno-economic results, it is observed that the highest electricity generation of 22067.13MWh is recorded at Al Κufrah and the lowest at Al Jabal al Akhdar with a value of 17891.38MWh. Furthermore, Al Kufrah and Murzuq are the best locations for the future installation of PV power plants from annual energy and the economic parameters point of view. The maximum value of power that can be generated by the plant was estimated to be 22.06GW.


Libya, NASA data, solar energy potential, RETScreen, techno-economic analysis


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How to Cite

Kassem, Y., Camur, H. and Abughinda, O.A.M. 2020. Solar Energy Potential and Feasibility Study of a 10MW Grid-connected Solar Plant in Libya. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 4 (Aug. 2020), 5358–5366. DOI:


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