Usability Testing of a Web Portal for Ornamental Plants and Flowers in Arusha, Tanzania


  • K. P. Asiimwe Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Tanzania
  • D. Machuve Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Tanzania
  • M. A. Dida Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Tanzania


The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) adoption has steadily advanced in the horticulture sector in Tanzania. This study aims to test and give feedback regarding the usability of a developed web portal prototype for ornamental plants and flowers in Arusha City. The stakeholders are botanists and researchers who search for plant and flower information (taxonomy), small scale farmers, herbalists, and the Arusha City Council. The assessments were organized and conducted in groups where each stakeholder was given access to the web portal for 2 days. Questionnaires were distributed to get feedback from each participant (a total of 48 participants). Multicriteria satisfaction analysis was chosen to measure user satisfaction measuring usability factors such as service quality, technical quality, information quality, and system quality. The overall obtained results had a mean score above 3.5 (70%) on a five-point scale Likert scale analysis.


usability testing, web portal, user requirement satisfaction


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How to Cite

Asiimwe, K.P., Machuve, D. and Dida, M.A. 2020. Usability Testing of a Web Portal for Ornamental Plants and Flowers in Arusha, Tanzania. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 3 (Jun. 2020), 5627–5631. DOI:


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