Web Information System for the Governance of University Research


  • K. Benmoussa Information System Engineering Research Group, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
  • S. Khoulji Information System Engineering Research Group, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
  • M. Laaziri Information System Engineering Research Group, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
  • K. M. Larbi Information System Engineering Research Group, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco
Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 3287-3293 | August 2018 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.2154


Technology development has proved crucial in analyzing and processing the volume of scientific information that is generated today. Governments are developing scientific and technical information systems that, beyond a database, are a real tool for supporting research management and decision-making in the field of science and technology policy. For the development of higher education in Morocco, the ministry has focused on projects for the management and development of university research. For this purpose, Abdelmalek Essaadi University developed an efficient application dedicated to the management of collaborative extranet called SIMarech (Moroccan Information System of Scientific Research), in order to support, organize and structure all academic activities. It will enable all university stakeholders to use a digital workspace specific to their roles, to access and share information, and interact and engage in national scientific research. This article presents an overview of research management systems and the design and development of SIMarech, which is designed as a tool for monitoring research conducted by a university or other institutions.


SIMarech platform, web information system, management of research, university scientific research


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How to Cite

Benmoussa, K., Khoulji, S., Laaziri, M. and Larbi, K.M. 2018. Web Information System for the Governance of University Research. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 8, 4 (Aug. 2018), 3287–3293. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.2154.


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