Properties of GFRP Bars Subjected to High Temperature


  • Maan Hatam Saeed College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ali Hussein Ali Al-Ahmed College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 20012-20017 | February 2025 |


This study evaluates the properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars exposed to high temperatures. An experimental program was carried out, which investigated 30 samples burned at different temperatures, 300 °C, 500 °C, and 700 °C, and compared them with additional unburned samples. The chosen parameters in this study consist of the concrete cover thickness and the burning temperature. The experimental results demonstrated that at a temperature of 300 °C, burning did not significantly affect the tensile strength of the covered samples, as it exhibited a decrease between 0% and 7%. In contrast, at a temperature of 500 °C, burning significantly influenced the specific samples’ tensile strength, as its decrease ranged between 0 and 30%. At 700 °C, burning substantially impacted the covered samples’ tensile strength, causing a reduction ranging from 2% to 58%, contingent on the concrete cover thickness. It was generally observed that the samples’ tensile strength decreased as the burning temperature increased, and that although significant alterations in the tensile characteristics of the uncoated GFRP bars were noted at 300 °C, the critical threshold for the coated GFRP bars was identified around 500 °C.


concrete cover, elevated temperature, fire, GFRP bars, burning


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How to Cite

Saeed, M.H. and Al-Ahmed, A.H.A. 2025. Properties of GFRP Bars Subjected to High Temperature. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 20012–20017. DOI:


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