A Parametric Study of GFRP Composite Beams with Encased I-Section using 3D Finite Element Modeling


  • Fahad M. Bahlol Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ali Hussein Ali Al-Ahmed Department of Civil Engineering University of Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 19221-19225 | February 2025 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.9149


Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) materials play a crucial role in the construction industry due to their lightweight properties, corrosion resistance, and high strength. Furthermore, the GFRP reinforcement ratio is a significant factor in the strength design philosophy that governs the design of flexible members. This study presents a parametric investigation of the performance of concrete composite beams reinforced and encased with pultruded GFRP. This study investigates the effect of concrete compressive strength and GFRP reinforcement ratio on the structural behavior of composite beams with encased GFRP sections under static loads. To achieve this objective, five simply supported models were numerically simulated using the Abaqus software. The reference model comprised normal concrete with a 30 MPa compressive strength, 0.42% GFRP longitudinal reinforcing ratio, and transverse steel rebars, with the GFRP I-section encased in the center of the cross-section. The other models maintained similar properties and geometries but varied in reinforcement ratio (0.85% and 1.2%) and compressive strength (25 MPa and 20 MPa). The results showed that increasing the reinforcement ratio in composite beams with encased GFRP sections improved the ultimate capacity by approximately 29% and 41% for 0.85% and 1.2% ratios, respectively, compared to the reference beam. Conversely, reducing compressive strength below 30 MPa decreased maximum load by about 16% and 23% for 25 MPa and 20 MPa values, respectively, in relation to the reference beam.


pultruded GFRP, Abaqus CAE/2019, GFRP reinforcement ratio, flexural members


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How to Cite

Bahlol, F.M. and Al-Ahmed, A.H.A. 2025. A Parametric Study of GFRP Composite Beams with Encased I-Section using 3D Finite Element Modeling. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 19221–19225. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.9149.


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