Investigation of the Radar Cross-Section and its Optimization Potential for ADAS Tests


  • Robert Magai Szechenyi Istvan University-Zalaegerszeg Innovation Park, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
  • Balazs Molnar Szechenyi Istvan University-Zalaegerszeg Innovation Park, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
  • Norbert Simon Szechenyi Istvan University-Zalaegerszeg Innovation Park, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
  • Leticia Pekk Szechenyi Istvan University-Zalaegerszeg Innovation Park, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 20493-20499 | February 2025 |


The objective of this study is to examine the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of instruments designed for Autonomous Driving Systems (ADAS) testing, with the intention of comparing the results to those of actual human subjects. The RCS values of both dummy and platform objects were documented at varying distances and positions, with the objective of ascertaining the extent to which dummies can serve as substitutes for human values in vehicle radar sensing tests. The findings, substantiated by graphical representations and statistical analyses (e.g., Pearson and Spearman correlation), reveal a moderately strong positive correlation between the RCS and human values, which is statistically significant. The outcomes of the tests demonstrate that the developed instruments can substitute for real human radar cross-section values within the range of 5-15 m. However, as the distance increases, larger deviations are observed. These discrepancies underscore the necessity for a refinement of the dummy design in future ADAS tests, ensuring that distance-sensitive tests accurately reflect real human measurements.


dummy, RCS, autonomous driving systems, statistical analysis


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How to Cite

Magai, R., Molnar, B., Simon, N. and Pekk, L. 2025. Investigation of the Radar Cross-Section and its Optimization Potential for ADAS Tests. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 20493–20499. DOI:


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