Charpy Impact Test Result Comparison on Reinforcing Materials used in Continuous Filament 3D Printing


  • Balazs Molnar Szechenyi Istvan University, Zalaegerszeg Innovation Park, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
  • Robert Magai Szechenyi Istvan University, Zalaegerszeg Innovation Park, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 19354-19357 | February 2025 |


With the growing industrial demand for materials that can withstand dynamic loads, composite 3D printing, particularly utilizing continuous fiber reinforcements, presents a promising solution. This study investigates the toughness of three fiber-reinforced materials, namely carbon fiber, Kelvar, and fiberglass, by conducting Charpy impact tests. The results reveal that fiber-reinforced 3D materials significantly outperform standard 3D printed components, with fiberglass showing the highest toughness. These findings demonstrate that fiber-reinforced 3D printed materials offer a viable alternative for applications requiring high toughness and dynamic resistance.


3D printing, Charpy impact test, continuous fiber-reinforced materials


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How to Cite

Molnar, B. and Magai, R. 2025. Charpy Impact Test Result Comparison on Reinforcing Materials used in Continuous Filament 3D Printing. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 19354–19357. DOI:


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