Sustainable Transportation Solutions in Remote Areas: Static Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines for Enhanced Efficiency of Wind-Powered Cars
Received: 25 July 2024 | Revised: 24 November 2024 | Accepted: 27 November 2024 | Online: 2 February 2025
Corresponding author: Youssef Kassem
It is imperative that a sustainable transportation system, powered by renewable energy resources, be implemented in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change and enhance living standards. A Wind-Powered Car (WPC) is a vehicle that employs a connection between the vehicle and wind turbine blades, thereby leveraging the advantages of wind kinetic energy. The energy is then conveyed directly to the car's wheels via a system of mechanical connections and gears, enabling the vehicle to move without the use of fossil fuels. The absence of an internal combustion engine results in the generation of negligible emissions. The primary objective of this study is to examine the static aerodynamic drag of nine WPC designs with diverse blade configurations of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT). To achieve this objective, Autodesk Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was employed to model the aerodynamic drag of WPC designs at varying wind speeds of 4 m/s, 6 m/s, and 8 m/s. The comparative analysis revealed that model 8, featuring a 3-blade Savonius wind turbine without a circular end plate, demonstrated superior efficiency among all car models. This is evident in its ability to generate the highest mechanical power compared to other blade designs. These findings contribute to the understanding of aerodynamic performance in VAWT cars, offering valuable insights for further design optimization. Furthermore, the results highlight model 8 as a promising solution for sustainable transportation, aligned with SDG 7 and SDG 11, through the development of clean and efficient wind-powered vehicles.
vertical axis wind turbine, wind energy, wind-powered car, aerodynamic simulation, SDG 7, SDG 11Downloads
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