Design of a Mobile Agents Based Solution to Distributional Management of Computer Networks, Taking into Account the Security Mechanisms


  • S. Bahrami Department of Science, Farhangian University, Qazvin, Iran
Volume: 7 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 2026-2029 | October 2017 |


Mobile agents (MAs) is one of the technologies considered in the recent years to perform management processes. This technology provides the ability to move code in distributed environments and to connect with other resources and agents locally which makes it an appropriate technology in the development of software applications of distributed network, especially management systems. For using mobile agent technology, an infrastructure for the management of MAs is needed. In this project, an infrastructure called MCT management is introduced for network management. In this infrastructure, some protocols like SNMP are used to get management data for the network administrator. With respect to management ability, MAs can dynamically access the database SNMP (i.e. MIB) and extract the data required by the managers. Most well-known methods are characterized by being static relative to code and location in which components cannot modify their location or code in a lifetime. However, the MAs method can dynamically increase communications, reduce costs and overcome certain limitations by changing location and components.


design, Mobile Agent, security mechanisms, MCT


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How to Cite

Bahrami, S. 2017. Design of a Mobile Agents Based Solution to Distributional Management of Computer Networks, Taking into Account the Security Mechanisms. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 7, 5 (Oct. 2017), 2026–2029. DOI:


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