Magnesium AZ63 Alloy Protective Coatings by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation in Mixed Aqueous Electrolytes


  • Ion Patrascu Doctoral School Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
  • Aurelian Denis Negrea Regional Center of Research & Development for Materials, Processes and Innovative Products Dedicated to the Automotive Industry (CRCD-AUTO), National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
  • Viorel Malinovschi Department of Environmental Engineering and Applied Sciences, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
  • Cristian Petrica Lungu National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania
  • Ramona Cimpoesu Faculty of Science and Material Engineering, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania
  • Marian Catalin Ducu Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
  • Adriana-Gabriela Schiopu Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
  • Sorin Georgian Moga Regional Center of Research & Development for Materials, Processes and Innovative Products Dedicated to the Automotive Industry (CRCD-AUTO), National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
Volume: 14 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 14248-14256 | June 2024 |


Ceramic protective coatings, primarily composed of spinel (MgAl2O4), magnesia (MgO), and trimagnesium phosphate (Mg3(PO4)2), were produced on magnesium AZ63 alloy through Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) in mixed sodium phosphate/aluminate electrolytes with varying aluminate concentrations and constant processing time. The morpho-structural and compositional characteristics of the coatings were studied using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Their functional mechanical and anti-corrosive properties were assessed through tribological testing, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and potentiodynamic bias tests. The findings indicated that the samples processed through PEO exhibited significantly enhanced properties compared to the AZ63 magnesium alloy. The best tribological properties were observed for the lowest aluminate concentration. Optimum corrosion resistance properties were obtained for coatings produced in a mixed electrolyte of 10 g/L sodium phosphate and 20 g/L sodium aluminate.


plasma electrolytic oxidation, magnesium alloy, mixed electrolyte, tribological properties, anti-corrosive properties


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How to Cite

Patrascu, I., Negrea, A.D., Malinovschi, V., Lungu, C.P., Cimpoesu, R., Ducu, M.C., Schiopu, A.-G. and Moga, S.G. 2024. Magnesium AZ63 Alloy Protective Coatings by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation in Mixed Aqueous Electrolytes. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 3 (Jun. 2024), 14248–14256. DOI:


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