The Effect of Expansion Ratio, Opening Size, and Prestress Strand on the Flexural Behavior of Steel Beams with Expanded Web using FEA


  • Ausama Ahmed Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Abdul Muttailb I. Said Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 14257-14265 | June 2024 |


The expanded web depth of steel beams leads to improved strength and stiffness. In some design scenarios, such as cellular, castellated, or expanded steel beams, increasing the depth of the web improves the strength and performance of the steel beam. The expanded web of steel beams can be accomplished by creating a horizontal cutting in the web and then adding a plate between the two web section halves, which are called spacer plates. This method leads to improved stiffness and strength. Numerical models have been developed to accurately predict the properties of these beams. This study investigates the use of incremental plates to increase the depth of hot-rolled wide-flange steel beams. The experimental results were validated first with the Finite Element (FE) numerical model created by ABAQUS software, and then Finite Element Analysis (FEA) methods were used to create and analyze new numerical models by considering parameters that provided more models at a lower cost. The load-mid-span deflection curve behavior of both models (experimental and theoretical) was similar. Also, the load-deflection behavior of steel beams with two types of openings was studied. For the first type of opening (B1 NUM), with a smaller opening width of 30 mm and a higher hole number (24), the ultimate load increased by 53%, 111%, and 184%, the deflection at 0.95 Pu increased by 160%, 293%, and 81% of beams with ratio 150%, 200%, and 250% compared with the reference beam. For the second type of opening (B2 NUM), with a larger opening width of 60 mm and smaller hole number (12), the ultimate load capacity increased by 51%, 147%, and 177%, for beams with a ratio of 150%, 200%, and 250%, compared with the reference beam. The deflection at 0.95 Pu increased by 46% and 15% for beams with a ratio of 150%, and 200%, and decreased by 8% for beams with a ratio of 250%. Accordingly, for the first type of opening, the expanded ratios of 150% and 200% performed best with a reduction of only 1%-12% in the ultimate load capacity. However, for the second type of opening, the beam with a ratio of 250% performed better than the first type. Using prestress strands may highly improve steel beams' performance with the expanded webs containing openings by creating a stronger section that can withstand higher loads and exhibit improved structural performance, especially from beams with a ratio of 150%.


Vierendeel mechanisms, prestress strand, expansion ratio, web opening ratio, web post-buckling


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How to Cite

Ahmed, A. and Said, A.M.I. 2024. The Effect of Expansion Ratio, Opening Size, and Prestress Strand on the Flexural Behavior of Steel Beams with Expanded Web using FEA. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 3 (Jun. 2024), 14257–14265. DOI:


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