The Effect of Opening Size and Expansion Ratio on the Flexural Behavior of Hot Rolled Wide Flange Steel Beams with Expanded Web


  • Ausama Ahmed Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Abdul Muttailb I. Said Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 13033-13040 | February 2024 |


In some design cases, such as in castellated beams, cellular beams, or steel beams with expanded web, it is advantageous to strengthen and enhance the performance of steel beams by increasing the web depth. However, expanding the web of a steel beam is a unique engineering strategy. This modification not only enhances its ability to bear heavy loads but also reduces any bending or flexing while enabling longer distances between supports. The expanded steel beams can be achieved by making a horizontal cutting in the steel beam web and then adding an increment plate (with the same web thickness), called spacer plate, between the two halves of the web sections, thus improving stiffness and strength. To evaluate the behavior of such beams, nine specimens of HEA steel beams with expanded web ratios of 150%, 200%, and 250%, and one specimen as a reference beam, were fabricated. The specimens were evaluated under two-point load over a clear span length of 280 cm. From the experimental work it was found that for steel beams with expanded web that have 18 openings with 80 mm, the beams with an expansion ratio of 150% had the best performance according to load-deflection behavior with a reduction in load capacity by only 11%. Additionally, the beams with expansion ratios of 200% and 250% had no economic viability according to the analysis of load-deflection behavior with a reduction in load capacity by 49% and 62%, compared with the solid expanded steel beam with the same expansion ratio. For the second type of steel beam with expanding web with 9 openings of 160 mm width, the beams with expansion ratios of 200% and 250% were observed to perform better than the first type with a reduction in load capacity by 28% and 50%. Using larger opening width and a smaller opening number is considered the best option for beams with expansion web ratios of 200% and 250%, while on the contrary, using smaller opening width and higher numbers seems to be a better option for beams with 150% expansion web ratio. Expanding the depth of a steel beam provides design flexibility, reduces deflections, and allows for longer spans. These benefits enhance material efficiency and open up new architectural possibilities.


expansion ratio, Vierendeel mechanisms, web post-buckling, web opening ratio


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How to Cite

Ahmed, A. and Said, A.M.I. 2024. The Effect of Opening Size and Expansion Ratio on the Flexural Behavior of Hot Rolled Wide Flange Steel Beams with Expanded Web. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 1 (Feb. 2024), 13033–13040. DOI:


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