The Feasibility Study Report as an Effective Tool to Evaluate Investment Projects: A Solid Waste Treatment Project as a Case Study


  • Abbas M. Burhan Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Hayder A. Mahdi Department of Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 12817-12821 | February 2024 |


Hundreds of infrastructure investment projects are inserted into the Iraqi government budget annually. Many of these projects suffer from suspension, delay in completion, corruption, or other negative issues known in Iraqi construction projects. This may harm the country's economic recovery due to allocating funds to useless projects from one or more feasibility studies' components. Therefore, the best solution is to pay attention to the feasibility study reports. This study highlights the importance of feasibility studies reports for investment projects and their effective role in evaluating project ideas to ensure an equitable distribution of a country's financial resources to the most feasible investment projects. This importance was highlighted through a practical case study for a solid waste treatment project. The results of the case study showed that feasibility studies provide very important information on which investors and governments can rely to make the appropriate decisions for investment projects. The study also addressed the risks that investors can be exposed to in Iraq and how to include them in the economic analysis of feasibility studies.


feasibility study, project management, investment, solid waste, energy


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How to Cite

Burhan, A.M. and Mahdi, H.A. 2024. The Feasibility Study Report as an Effective Tool to Evaluate Investment Projects: A Solid Waste Treatment Project as a Case Study. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 1 (Feb. 2024), 12817–12821. DOI:


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