An Efficient Breast Cancer Segmentation System based on Deep Learning Techniques


  • Shaaban M. Shaaban Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
  • Majid Nawaz College of Sciences, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
  • Yahia Said Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
  • Mohammad Barr Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 12415-12422 | December 2023 |


Breast cancer is one of the major threats that attack women around the world. Its detection and diagnosis in the early stages can greatly improve care efficiency and reduce mortality rate. Early detection of breast cancer allows medical professionals to use less intrusive treatments, such as lumpectomies or targeted medicines, improving survival rates and lowering morbidity. This study developed a breast cancer segmentation system based on an improved version of the U-Net 3+ neural network. Various optimizations were applied to this architecture to improve the localization and segmentation performance. An evaluation of different state-of-the-art networks was performed to improve the performance of the proposed breast cancer diagnosis system. Various experiments were carried out on the INbreast Full-Field Digital Mammographic dataset (INbreast FFDM). The results obtained demonstrated that the proposed model achieved a dice score of 98.47%, which is a new state-of-the-art segmentation finding, showcasing its efficiency in detecting breast cancer from mammography images with the possibility of implementation for real applications.


mammography images, deep learning, AI, dense dilated convolution, breast cancer segmentation


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How to Cite

M. Shaaban, S., Nawaz, M., Said, Y. and Barr, M. 2023. An Efficient Breast Cancer Segmentation System based on Deep Learning Techniques. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 6 (Dec. 2023), 12415–12422. DOI:


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