Modeling and Simulation of a Renewable Energy PV/PEM with Green Hydrogen Storage


  • Dalila Hidouri Analysis and Treatment of Electrical and Energy Signals and Systems (ATSSEE) Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tunis, Tunisia
  • Rym Marouani Analysis and Treatment of Electrical and Energy Signals and Systems (ATSSEE) Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tunis, Tunisia
  • Adnen Cherif Analysis and Treatment of Electrical and Energy Signals and Systems (ATSSEE) Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Volume: 14 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 12543-12548 | February 2024 |


The introduction of green hydrogen-based energy storage in association with renewable energy constitutes a promising and sustainable solution to the increase in energy demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, these hybrid systems face technical, economic, and logistic challenges that require a new transport and distribution architecture. The technical-economic study of these expensive installations requires good modeling and optimal sizing of the system components. This study presents a global model for hydrogen production and storage stations using photovoltaics (PV) and integrating Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) modules for electric vehicles. The simulations and sizing were based on the implementation of an effective mathematical model capable of accurately simulating the real dynamic behavior of the installation, the electrical and energy yields, the power consumed and produced, and finally the mass of hydrogen stored and/or consumed by the fuel cell. In this model, the hybrid system integrates PV solar panels with a maximum power of 1.2 MW, followed by a 1.0 MW Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, a high-pressure hydrogen storage tank, and a PEMFC to convert hydrogen into electricity. The simulation results showed that the energy generated by the PV panels can produce around 200 kg/day of green hydrogen by electrolysis, which makes it possible to power 100 electric cars per day with a range of 250 km for each.


PV renewable energy, green hydrogen storage, fuel cell, PEM electrolyzer, energy efficiency, electrolysis


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How to Cite

Hidouri, D., Marouani, R. and Cherif, A. 2024. Modeling and Simulation of a Renewable Energy PV/PEM with Green Hydrogen Storage. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 1 (Feb. 2024), 12543–12548. DOI:


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