Simulation of the Optimized Structure of a Laterally Coupled Distributed Feedback (LC-DFB) Semiconductor Laser Above Threshold


  • M. Seifouri Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iran
  • A. Faraji Ministry of Education, Education Organization of Kurdistan, Bijar, Iran
Volume: 3 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 522-525 | October 2013 |


In this paper, the laterally coupled distributed feedback semiconductor laser is studied. In the simulations performed, variations of structural parameters such as the grating amplitude a, the ridge width W, the thickness of the active region d, and other structural properties are considered. It is concluded that for certain values ​​of structural parameters, the laser maintains the highest output power, the lowest distortion Bragg frequency δL and the smallest changes in the wavelength λ. Above threshold, output power more than 40mW and SMSR values greater than 50 dB were achieved.


Laterally coupled distributed feedback laser, rate equation, coupled wave equation, transfer matrix method


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How to Cite

Seifouri, M. and Faraji, A. 2013. Simulation of the Optimized Structure of a Laterally Coupled Distributed Feedback (LC-DFB) Semiconductor Laser Above Threshold. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 3, 5 (Oct. 2013), 522–525. DOI:


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