The Effect of Displacement Mode of Rigid Retaining Walls on Shearing Bands by Active Earth Pressure


  • A. Sekkel Department of Civil Engineering & Hydraulic, Moulay Tahar University, Algeria
  • M. Meghachou Department of Civil Engineering, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Volume: 3 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 526-531 | October 2013 |


This work treats the physical modeling of failure mechanisms by active earth pressure. This last is developed by retaining wall movement. A lot of research showed that wall displacement has a significant effect on active earth pressure. A good comprehension of active earth pressure phenomenon and its failure mechanisms help us to better conceive retaining walls. The conception of a small-scale model allowed the realization of active earth pressure tests, while displacing the mobile wall toward the outside of the massif. The studied material is that of Schneebeli; light two-dimensional material made of cylindrical plastic rollers, simulating granular non-cohesive soil. The evolution of shearing zones under continuous and discontinuous displacement modes of mobile walls by correlation pictures allows the investigation of the localization of deformations and failure mechanisms.


small-scale model, active earth pressure, continuous mode, discontinuous mode, shearing band.


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How to Cite

Sekkel, A. and Meghachou, M. 2013. The Effect of Displacement Mode of Rigid Retaining Walls on Shearing Bands by Active Earth Pressure. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 3, 5 (Oct. 2013), 526–531. DOI:


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