Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of Investigation of Renewable Energy System for Rural Electrification in South Algeria


  • F. Chermat Electrical Engineering Department, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, (UFAS1), Setif, Algeria
  • M. Khemliche Electrical Engineering Department, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, (UFAS1), Setif, Algeria
  • A. E. Badoud Electrical Engineering Department, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, (UFAS1), Setif, Algeria
  • S. Latreche Electrical Engineering Department, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, (UFAS1), Setif, Algeria
Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 3421-3426 | October 2018 |


This work aims to consider the combination of different technologies regarding energy production and management with four possible configurations. We present an energy management algorithm to detect the best design and the best configuration from the combination of different sources. This combination allows us to produce the necessary electrical energy for supplying habitation without interruption. A comparative study is conducted among the different combinations on the basis of the cost of energy, diesel consumption, diesel price, capital cost, replacement cost, operation, and maintenance cost and greenhouse gas emission. Sensitivity analysis is also performed.


renewable energy, energy management, techno-economic, feasibility study, optimization


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How to Cite

Chermat, F., Khemliche, M., Badoud, A.E. and Latreche, S. 2018. Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of Investigation of Renewable Energy System for Rural Electrification in South Algeria. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 8, 5 (Oct. 2018), 3421–3426. DOI:


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