Utilizing Rice Husk Briquettes in Firing Crucible Furnace for Low Temperature Melting Metals in Nigeria


  • N. A. Musa Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auchi Polytechnic, Nigeria
  • F. O. Akinbode Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Abuja, Nigeria
Volume: 2 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 265-268 | August 2012 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.184


The search for alternative fuels for firing crucible furnace for low temperature melting metals has become mandatory, as a result of the pollution problem associated with the use of fossil fuels, the expense of electricity and also deforestation as a result of the use of charcoal. An agricultural waste, rice husk, in briquette form was used as an alternative fuel to fire crucible furnace to melt lead, zinc and aluminium. Results showed that lead and zinc melted and reached their pouring temperatures of 3840C and 5300C  in 70 minutes and 75 minutes  respectively. Aluminium was raised to a maximum temperature of 5200C  in 75 and 100 minutes.The average concentration of the pollutants (CO, SO2and NOX) were found to be  below the tolerance limit and that of TSP (Total Suspended Particulates) was found to be within the tolerance limit stipulated by Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) in Nigeria.


rice husk briquettes, lead, zinc, aluminium, furnace.


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How to Cite

Musa, N.A. and Akinbode, F.O. 2012. Utilizing Rice Husk Briquettes in Firing Crucible Furnace for Low Temperature Melting Metals in Nigeria. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 2, 4 (Aug. 2012), 265–268. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.184.


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