Numerical Simulation of a Single-Phase Flow Through Fractures with Permeable, Porous and Non-Ductile Walls


  • N. Pour Mahmoud Mechanical Engineering Department, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
  • A. Zabihi Mechanical Engineering Department, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Volume: 7 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 2041-2046 | October 2017 |


This paper attempts to study flows within fractures through a set of numerical simulations. In addition, a special care is given to hydraulic features and characteristics of fractures. The research is performed through the application of calculative fluid dynamics and a finite volume discrete schema. The investigated flows are laminar, single-phase and stable flows of water and air through fractures with penetrable walls. The selected fracture geometry is inspired from the tomographic scan of a stone fracture. Water and air are modeled in fractures with permeable walls and different permeability levels. It has been observed that in case of permeable matrixes, the friction coefficient is lower compared to impermeable matrixes. In fact permeability reduced friction. In addition, highest pressure drops were observed in areas with smaller fracture diaphragms. Nonetheless, the surrounding area of the fracture is analyzed with the consideration of Darcy's rule.


fracture, pressure gradient, porous media, single-phase flow numerical simulation, Darcy's rule, laminar flow, matrix


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How to Cite

Pour Mahmoud, N. and Zabihi, A. 2017. Numerical Simulation of a Single-Phase Flow Through Fractures with Permeable, Porous and Non-Ductile Walls. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 7, 5 (Oct. 2017), 2041–2046. DOI:


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