Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems using Fuzzy Controllers optimized with a Genetic Algorithm


  • Mourad Guediri L2EI Laboratory of Electronics and Industrial Electrical Engineering, University of Jijel, Jijel, Algeria
  • Slimane Touil LGEERE Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, University of El Oued, El Oued, Algeria
  • Messaoud Hettiri LGEERE Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, University of El Oued, El Oued, Algeria
  • Abdelhafid Guediri VTRS Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, University of El Oued, El Oued, Algeria
  • Nabil Ikhlef L2EI Laboratory of Electronics and Industrial Electrical Engineering, University of Jijel, Jijel, Algeria
  • Bouchekhou Hocine L2EI Laboratory of Electronics and Industrial Electrical Engineering, University of Jijel, Jijel, Algeria
  • Abdelkarim Guediri VTRS Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, University of El Oued, El Oued, Algeria
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 19871-19877 | February 2025 |


This paper presents a comprehensive study of a wind turbine system operating under variable wind conditions, utilizing a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) connected to the grid. The DFIG is controlled via a rotor-side transducer, allowing for independent regulation of the conductors to manage both active and reactive power flows effectively. The control strategy focuses on generating reference voltages for the rotor to ensure that active and reactive power align with the desired targets, optimizing the tracking of the maximum power point to maximize electrical output. The research analyzes the system's dynamic performance under fluctuating wind conditions, emphasizing control strategies for managing active and reactive energy. A notable innovation is the integration of fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm into the control strategy for the wind turbine's switching mechanism, which enhances system performance and efficiency. Simulation results demonstrate that this approach provides higher efficiency, improved performance, and greater stability compared to the traditional Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers. Advanced artificial intelligence methods, such as fuzzy genetic algorithm control, were employed and the proposed system's effectiveness was validated with Matlab/Simulink simulations.


Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), hybrid genetic algorithms, electrical network, fuzzy controller, Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm (FGA)


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How to Cite

Guediri, M., Touil, S., Hettiri, M., Guediri, A., Ikhlef, N., Hocine, B. and Guediri, A. 2025. Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems using Fuzzy Controllers optimized with a Genetic Algorithm. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 19871–19877. DOI:


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