The Effect of Adding Waste Tire Rubber on Compressive Strength, Impact Resistance, and Damping Ratio of Fiber-Reinforced Foamed Concrete


  • Oday Asaad Abd Department of Civil Engineering, University of Technology-Iraq, Iraq | Construction and Projects Department, University of Fallujah, Iraq
  • Ameer A. Hilal Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Anbar, Iraq
  • Tareq A. Khaleel Department of Civil Engineering, University of Technology-Iraq, Iraq
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 19078-19085 | February 2025 |


Research was conducted to investigate the effects of incorporating optimal proportions of Waste Tire Rubber (WTR) on the compressive strength, impact resistance, and damping of fiber-reinforced Foamed Concrete (FC) modified with a Super-Plasticizer (SP). In this study, four FC types with a density of 1100 kg/m3 were produced: conventional FC, modified FC with SP, polypropylene (PP) fiber-reinforced FC, and fiber-reinforced rubberized FC (containing SP, PP, and WTR). To evaluate the effect of density on the FC properties, two additional fiber-reinforced rubberized FC mixtures were produced with densities of 800 and 1400 kg/m3. The sand in the FC was partially replaced with WTR at optimum ratios of 50% for coarse WTR (4.75–10 mm) and 34% for fine WTR (≤ 2.36 mm). Additionally, 53 kg/m3 of cement was substituted with fly ash. The results indicated that the addition of SP enhanced the properties of the fresh and hardened FC. For a given density of 1100 kg/m3, adding WTR led to decreased consistency and strength while increased the impact and damping compared to the reference containing only SP and PP. However, the fiber-reinforced rubberized FC mix with SP showed improvements of 79.5%, 3700%, and 21.45% in compressive strength, impact resistance, and damping, respectively compared to conventional FC (without SP and PP). With the exception of the damping ratio, the compressive strength and impact resistance increased when the rubberized FC density was elevated.


waste tire rubber, polypropylene fiber, compressive strength, impact resistance, damping ratio


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How to Cite

Abd, O.A., Hilal, A.A. and Khaleel, T.A. 2025. The Effect of Adding Waste Tire Rubber on Compressive Strength, Impact Resistance, and Damping Ratio of Fiber-Reinforced Foamed Concrete. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 19078–19085. DOI:


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