Geospatial Modeling of Aeolian Dynamics in the Algerian Steppe from Zahrez Chergui to Hodna


  • Abdelmalek Rerboudj Laboratory of Geomorphology and Geo-risks, Faculty of Earth Science, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria
  • Mohamed-Said Guettouche Laboratory of Geomorphology and Geo-risks, Faculty of Earth Science, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria
  • Yann Callot University of Lumiere Lyon 2, Archeorient, Maison de l'Orient et de la Mediterranee, France
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18695-18701 | December 2024 |


Assessing the hazards associated with aeolian geomorphological processes requires a fundamental understanding of their spatial distribution. These phenomena often have detrimental impacts on the environment, economy, and society. This problem is prevalent in the Algerian steppe, encompassing the Zahrez, Chergui, and Hodna regions. This study proposes a research method for developing more accurate and simpler indices to evaluate the extent and directionality of sand migration. Specifically, it examines surface characteristics, such as altitude, slope, and slope exposure. However, some tools used for spatial modeling of wind dynamics necessitate corrections to account for the effects of topography and surface features on wind, which for this study are implemented using spatial techniques. The results are incorporated into the model developed by Fryberger, which requires wind data and a Digital Surface Model (DSM) to estimate the factors included in this model. The findings indicate that the average potential quantity of sand movement is 64 t m-1 yr-1 over the entire study area, with 37.3% of the region experiencing severe deflation of 140 t m-1 yr-1. This result can be utilized to enhance the understanding of the direction and magnitude of sand movement in any region.


spatial modeling, aeolian dynamics, wind exposure index, wind amplification index, algerian steppe


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How to Cite

Rerboudj, A., Guettouche, M.-S. and Callot, Y. 2024. Geospatial Modeling of Aeolian Dynamics in the Algerian Steppe from Zahrez Chergui to Hodna. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18695–18701. DOI:


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