Modeling and Optimization of Hydropower Plant Operations in the Northern Vietnam Power System by 2030


  • Luong Ngoc Giap Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • Ngo Phuong Le Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Binh Khanh Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • Bui Tien Trung Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • Truong Nguyen Tuong An Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • Pham Ngoc Kien Electric Power University, Vietnam
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 19099-19108 | February 2025 |


The Northern Vietnam Power System (NVPS) has a long history, with over a century and a quarter of development. The NVPS has experienced a significant expansion in its total power generation capacity. In 1954, the total capacity was 31.5 MW. By the end of 2023, the total capacity of the NVPS reached 29,537 MW, with hydropower accounting for 9,764 MW, representing 33.06%. In 2023, the NVPS generated 90.380 billion kWh of electricity. Over the past decade, the annual growth rate of commercial electricity has averaged between 10% and 12%. Northern Vietnam is endowed with vast hydropower potential, particularly across its four major river basins: the theoretical maximum capacity of the Bang Giang-Ky Cung, Red River, Ma River, and Ca River basins is 20,598 MW. Hydropower plays a significant role in ensuring energy security due to its low production cost, capacity to rapidly meet peak demand, and status as a clean energy source. This study proposes an optimal operational model for hydropower plants in the NVPS for the period from 2025 to 2030. The results demonstrate that hydropower will continue to be crucial for meeting the growing energy demand while minimizing operational costs. Additionally, it supports the integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid, thereby underscoring the strategic importance of hydropower in maintaining system stability and promoting sustainable development in the region.


Northern Vietnam Power System (NVPS), Hydropower Stations (HPS), power system, Power System Optimization (PSO), Power Generation Optimization (PGO), hydropower optimization, Power System Optimization Model (PSOM), Power System Operation Problem (PSOP)


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How to Cite

Giap, L.N., Le, N.P., Khanh, N.B., Trung, B.T., An, T.N.T. and Kien, P.N. 2025. Modeling and Optimization of Hydropower Plant Operations in the Northern Vietnam Power System by 2030. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 19099–19108. DOI:


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