Robust Direction-of-Arrival Estimation using improved Coprime Array for Wireless Communication Applications


  • K. S. Shashidhara Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
  • K. N. Venu Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
  • I. G. Saritha Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology & Management, Bangalore, India
  • Raghu Jayaramu Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, India
  • Veerendra Dakulagi Department of CSE (Data Science), Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar, India
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 20285-20290 | February 2025 |


In wireless communication systems, robust and accurate Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) estimation is essential for tasks such as beamforming and interference suppression. This research presents advancements in the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm leveraging enhanced coprime sensor arrays for DOA estimation. Coprime arrays, characterized by their non-uniform spacing derived from coprime integers, offer superior angular resolution compared to traditional uniform arrays. By exploiting this unique array geometry, the proposed method enhances the spatial localization capabilities of the MUSIC algorithm, thereby improving signal detection and mitigation of interference. Experimental validation demonstrates the efficacy of the approach in various signal environments, highlighting its potential to enhance the performance and reliability of wireless communication systems.


improved MUSIC algorithm, coprime sensor arrays, direction-of-arrival estimation, wireless communication, beamforming, interference suppression, spatial signal processing, antenna array design, signal localization


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How to Cite

Shashidhara, K.S., Venu, K.N., Saritha, I.G., Jayaramu, R. and Dakulagi, V. 2025. Robust Direction-of-Arrival Estimation using improved Coprime Array for Wireless Communication Applications. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 20285–20290. DOI:


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