Retinal Image Augmentation using Composed GANs


  • Manal Alghamdi Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Umm Al-Qura, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
  • Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb Department of Computer Science, Indiana University, Indiana, USA
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18525-18531 | December 2024 |


Medical image analysis faces a significant challenge in the scarcity of annotated data, which is crucial for developing generalizable Deep Learning (DL) models that require extensive training data. Consequently, the field of medical image generation has garnered substantial interest and potential for further exploration. Besides widely employed data augmentation techniques, such as rotation, reflection, and scaling, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have demonstrated the ability to effectively leverage additional information from datasets by generating synthetic samples from real images. In the context of retinal image synthesis, an image-to-image translation approach is frequently adopted to generate retinal images from available vessel maps, which can be scarce and resource-intensive to obtain. Deviating from prior work reliant on pre-existing vessel maps, this study proposes a learning-based model that is independent of vessel maps, utilizing Progressive Growing GAN (PGGAN) to generate vascular networks from random noise. The visual and quantitative evaluations conducted suggest that the majority of the images generated by the proposed model are substantially distinct from the training set while maintaining a high proportion of true image quality, underscoring the model's potential as a powerful tool for data augmentation.


retinal image synthesis, generative adversarial networks, image-to-image translation, medical image segmentation


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How to Cite

Alghamdi, M. and Abdel-Mottaleb, M. 2024. Retinal Image Augmentation using Composed GANs. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18525–18531. DOI:


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