Enhancing Information Technology Governance in Universities: A Smart Chatbot System based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library


  • Souad Ahriz L2IACS Laboratory, ENSET Mohammedia 28830, Morocco
  • Hiba Gharbaoui M2S2I Laboratory, ENSET Mohammedia 28830, Morocco
  • Nezha Benmoussa L2IACS Laboratory, ENSET Mohammedia 28830, Morocco
  • Abdelilah Chahid SSDIA Laboratory, ENSET Mohammedia 28830, Morocco
  • Khalifa Mansouri M2S2I Laboratory, ENSET Mohammedia 28830, Morocco
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 17876-17882 | December 2024 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.8878


The rapid evolution of information and communication technologies has created a pressing need for higher education institutions to modernize their Information Technology (IT) governance practices. This article proposes an innovative solution to enhance the governance and efficiency of IT services while optimizing and personalizing user experience. The proposed solution consists of a chatbot using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) combined with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) standard to automate the management of IT services in the digital work environment (ENT). Intended for students, teachers, and administrators, this chatbot provides reactive support by responding to requests, reducing waiting times, and improving satisfaction. It also helps decrease operational costs and the workload of support teams by autonomously handling recurring requests. Beyond efficiency improvements, the chatbot contributes significantly to IT governance by providing structured service management, improving decision-making through real-time data, and supporting compliance with governance frameworks. An online survey conducted among 120 students revealed slow processing of requests and unavailability of services, justifying the need for this chatbot. The chatbot was designed with advanced NLP and Machine Learning (ML) technologies. Preliminary tests demonstrate the chatbot’s response reliability, with an accuracy rate of 96% and a response time decrease to an average of 4.17 seconds. The use of chatbots has considerable potential for universities to improve the efficiency of digital services offered to students.


artificial intelligence, machine learning, ITIL, chatbot, university, NLP, LLM


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How to Cite

Ahriz, S., Gharbaoui, H., Benmoussa, N., Chahid, A. and Mansouri, K. 2024. Enhancing Information Technology Governance in Universities: A Smart Chatbot System based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 17876–17882. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.8878.


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