Effective Diabetes Prediction using an IoT-based Integrated Ensemble Machine Learning Framework


  • Rashi Rastogi Department of CSE, Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, India
  • Mamta Bansal Department of CSE, Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, India
  • Naveen Kumar Salesforce Inc., Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Sanjay Singla Department of CSE, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India
  • Priti Singla Department of CSE, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India
  • Ram Avtar Jaswal Department of Electrical Engineering, UIET, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India
Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 20064-20070 | February 2025 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.8869


Diabetes, a prevalent chronic disease, affects a significant global population. Identifying and being aware of key variables promptly may substantially enhance results for both patients and public health efforts. Systematic methods such as monitoring diabetic patients allow the collection of extensive data from diabetic patients. When it comes to keeping track of a patient's health, IoT sensors, such as those used in diabetic patient monitoring systems, are invaluable. Blood glucose levels, body temperature, and location of a diabetic patient can be tracked and recorded through a monitoring device. In addition to monitoring patients, these data can be classified using Machine Learning (ML) methods. This study applies three ML models to three different diabetes datasets and analyzes their performance. According to the results, the fine-tuned random forest model achieved higher accuracy, i.e., 89%, 90%, and 99%.


diabetes prediction, machine learning, diabetes patent monitoring, IoT, chronic illness


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How to Cite

Rastogi, R., Bansal, M., Kumar, N., Singla, S., Singla, P. and Jaswal, R.A. 2025. Effective Diabetes Prediction using an IoT-based Integrated Ensemble Machine Learning Framework. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 15, 1 (Feb. 2025), 20064–20070. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.8869.


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