Analysis of the Effects of Temperature and Treatment Duration on the Resistance of Expansive Soil Improved with Lime in Baghdad, Iraq


  • Amenah Adnan Shakir Al-Mohammedi Department of Civil Engineering, Al-Maarif University, Ramadi, Anbar, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18829-18834 | December 2024 |


Multiple studies have revealed the challenge of constructing infrastructure on expansive soils, including pipelines, roads, or buildings. This predicament stems from the uneven moisture distribution inherent to the specific soil type. Numerous methods, involving the addition of chemicals, have been employed to enhance the properties of clayey soils. This study introduces lime as a cation exchange material and demonstrates its capacity to improve the load-bearing characteristics, rendering it a more favorable option for engineering construction purposes. Lime's reaction with clay minerals and water produces calcium hydroxide, which subsequently reacts with the silica and alumina in the clay to form new compounds that promote stability. Additionally, lime helps reduce the soil's water-holding ability, thereby decreasing its swelling potential. This research will focus on evaluating the influence of temperature and treatment duration on the osmotic pressure behavior of chemically treated expansive clayey soils using lime. The swell meter test was utilized to develop lime-clay samples containing 7% lime by dry weight. These samples were then subjected to compression at temperatures ranging from 20 °C to 40 °C over a period of up to 28 days. The findings indicate that the pozzolanic reaction results in higher compressive strengths when tested at the upper limits of the temperature range in laboratory experiments. Therefore, the combined effects of temperature and curing duration play a positive role in improving the compressive strength of expansive soils.


soil improvement, lime, Anbar soil, geotechnical properties, temperature, time


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How to Cite

Al-Mohammedi, A.A.S. 2024. Analysis of the Effects of Temperature and Treatment Duration on the Resistance of Expansive Soil Improved with Lime in Baghdad, Iraq. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18829–18834. DOI:


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