An Efficient Novel Model for Multi-Story Building Construction Quantity Estimation using Coupled MATLAB-Revit Software


  • Suha Falih Mahdi Alazawy Department of Highway and Airport Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Ba'aqubah, Diyala, Iraq
  • Saja Hadi Raheem Aldhamad Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Bilal Muiassar M. Salih Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Faiq Mohammed Sarhan Al Zwainy Forensic DNA Center for Research and Training, Al-Nahrain University, Jadriya, Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 17717-17724 | December 2024 |


The nature of the construction business and building projects necessitates the capacity to manage extensive and intricate data and documentation. The processes for documenting, exchanging, and updating data constitute one of the principal administrative challenges being currently confronted by the construction project management. As a consequence of the continued reliance on paper-based processes evidenced in the Iraqi businesses and construction projects, a considerable volume of documentation is likely to accumulate, thereby increasing the complexity and time required for specific data to be retrieved. In this study, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) models were used to document projects by employing the MATLAB-Revit software. The findings demonstrate that the project timeline is also recorded because it is related to the suggested model, which is designed to produce an effective model that mimics reality. A comparative analysis of the data pertaining to the foundations, columns, walls (24 cm and 12 cm), floors, and slabs of four multi-story buildings, was conducted. This analysis was divided into three categories: estimated, SVM-BIM, and actual documentation. The findings indicated that the proposed model demonstrated a high degree of accuracy in predicting the material quantities required in building construction. These values were found to be in close proximity to, and aligned with, the actual documentation.


multi-story building, cost estimation, support vector machines, building information modeling, coupled MATLAB-revit


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How to Cite

Alazawy, S.F.M., Aldhamad, S.H.R., Salih, B.M.M. and Al Zwainy, F.M.S. 2024. An Efficient Novel Model for Multi-Story Building Construction Quantity Estimation using Coupled MATLAB-Revit Software. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 17717–17724. DOI:


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