Assessment of Shear Strength Models for Squat Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls


  • Duc-Xuan Nguyen Department of Civil Engineering, Vinh University, Vinh, Vietnam
  • Xuan-Hung Vu Department of Civil Engineering, Vinh University, Vinh, Vietnam
  • Kieu-Vinh T. Nguyen Department of Civil Engineering, Vinh University, Vinh, Vietnam
  • Duy-Duan Nguyen Department of Civil Engineering, Vinh University, Vinh, Vietnam
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 17743-17748 | December 2024 |


The shear strength is a critical parameter in the design of Reinforced Concrete (RC) shear walls subjected to lateral loads. Numerous design codes and published studies have proposed formulas for calculating the shear strength of squat RC walls. However, there is a discrepancy between the calculated and experimental results. This study aims to evaluate various models for the calculation of the shear strength of rectangular squat RC walls using 312 databases collected from the literature. The shear strength of the RC walls was calculated using eight code- and empirical-based models, while the input parameters were obtained from the experimental database. The results were evaluated utilizing two statistical indicators: coefficient of determination and root-mean-squared error. The analysis of the results revealed that the model of C. K. Gulec and A. S. Whittaker is the optimal model, followed by the models of S. L. Wood and Eurocode-8 (EC8).


design code, empirical formula, experimental data, rectangular squat RC wall, shear strength


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How to Cite

Nguyen, D.-X., Vu, X.-H., Nguyen, K.-V.T. and Nguyen, D.-D. 2024. Assessment of Shear Strength Models for Squat Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 17743–17748. DOI:


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