Reducing the Environmental Impact of Asphalt Emulsion Production from Petroleum Bitumen utilizing Buton Island Natural Asphalt in Various Scenarios


  • Israil Department of Civil Engineering, Muhammadiyah University, Makassar, Indonesia
  • M. Tumpu Disaster Management Study Program, The Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Nursafanah Dzakiyah Al Makassari Accounting Study Program, Pelita Buana College of Economics, Makassar, Indonesia
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18380-18387 | December 2024 |


By utilizing Buton asphalt as the solid component in the creation of emulsified asphalt, a substantial amount of petroleum bitumen, which is a finite energy resource, can be reduced. Additionally, the utilization of natural mining materials can be decreased, hence lowering the carbon footprint and impact of the emulsified asphalt-producing sector. This research assesses different approaches to mitigate the environmental consequences of manufacturing emulsified asphalt using Buton asphalt as a substitute for petroleum bitumen in the solid phase. Asbuton Indonesia is an asphalt emulsion that employs solid raw materials, particularly the Extracted Bitumen from Buton Rock Asphalt (EBBRA). The solvents in the mixture consist of kerosene, an emulsifier, hydrochloric acid (HC1), calcium chloride (CaCl), and water. The research process involved the EBBRA using a Socklet tool, followed by the production of emulsion asphalt. Subsequently, quality tests were conducted on the emulsion asphalt in the laboratory, and the results of these tests were analyzed to determine the value of the emulsion asphalt quality. The study's findings confirm the suitability of natural asphalt from Buton Island, Indonesia, as a primary ingredient for emulsified asphalt. This involves extracting bitumen from the minerals found in the asphalt. The test results indicate that the E3 sample has a solid phase content of 57.4% EBBRA and 5% kerosene, which aligns with the criteria set by ASTM and SNI-Indonesia. The liquid phase contains an emulsifier at a concentration of 1%, HC1 at a concentration of 0.5%, CaCl at a concentration of 0.1%, and water at a concentration of 36%. This study encompassed five different scenarios for making asphalt emulsion, with each of them utilizing Buton asphalt as the solid phase in variable proportions. Laboratory testing results demonstrate that including Buton asphalt in the production of asphalt emulsion mixtures can yield advantages for the construction industry, waste management sector, and the environment.


environmental impact, asphalt emulsion, Buton asphalt, solid phase


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ASTM Volume 04.03. ASTM International, 1994.


How to Cite

Israil, ., Tumpu, M. and Al Makassari, N.D. 2024. Reducing the Environmental Impact of Asphalt Emulsion Production from Petroleum Bitumen utilizing Buton Island Natural Asphalt in Various Scenarios. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18380–18387. DOI:


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