Seismic Performance of Cellular Lightweight Concrete Block Panels as Infilled Wall in RC Frames Due to Cyclic Lateral Loading


  • Yusran Londong Salu Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Herman Parung Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Wihardi Tjaronge Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
  • Rita Irmawaty Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 16833-16839 | October 2024 |


Indonesia experiences frequent earthquakes due to its proximity to seismic faults. Many one- or two-story residential buildings with reinforced concrete frames filled with masonry are severely damaged during moderate to high-magnitude earthquakes. One solution to reduce seismic loads on the structures is the use of Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC). The behavior of CLC block panels as an infill wall against lateral cyclic loading is the subject of this experimental investigation. The specimens consist of two Reinforced Concrete (RC) frame models: a CLC block panel used as an infill wall for the RC frame (DB-2) and a reinforced concrete frame (DB-1). This research uses displacement control methods and lateral cyclic loading to evaluate the behavior of wall structures according to the ASTM E2126-02a. The results showed that the strength value of the DB-2 specimen was 29.61% higher than that of the DB-1 specimen. Neither loading nor unloading of the DB-2 specimen caused a decrease in relative stiffness, unlike the DB-1 specimen. This indicates that the DB-2 specimen does not experience a squeezing effect and instead becomes more stable and has improved energy dissipation without losing strength. The results show that bricks, concrete blocks, and other fillers can be replaced with precast CLC panels for reinforced concrete frame walls.


cellular lightweigh concrete, block panel, lateral cyclic loads


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How to Cite

Londong Salu, Y., Parung, H., Tjaronge, M.W. and Irmawaty, R. 2024. Seismic Performance of Cellular Lightweight Concrete Block Panels as Infilled Wall in RC Frames Due to Cyclic Lateral Loading. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 5 (Oct. 2024), 16833–16839. DOI:


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