Application of Simulation Modeling and Lean Principles for Reducing Patient Waiting Queues and Cost: The Case Study of a Developing Country

Integration of Simulation and Lean


  • Hussein S. Ketan College of Engineering, University of Warith Al Anbiyaa, Karbala, Iraq
  • Atiya Al‐Zuheri Department of Production Engineering and Metallurgy, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Yousef Amer School of Engineering, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, Australia
  • Leena Jaber Iraqi Ministry of Education, Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 17076-17083 | October 2024 |


Every day, health centers receive a significant number of patients seeking care and hospitalization, leading to long waiting times. Simulation modeling techniques are considered an effective solution to this issue. However, some research efforts had limited success mainly due to the neglect of systematic and straightforward approaches to identify and eliminate time waste in the healthcare system. To address this limitation, this study developed an LSS approach by collecting arriving patients and staff in a health center and using it as a case study. Then, a simulation model of the current system was created using the SIMPROCESS software. Finally, alternative solutions to shorten the queue time were proposed and supported by statistical graphs and tables. This is expected to improve overall health outcomes and enhance the delivery of healthcare services. A scenario is presented to evaluate the impact of the proposed improvements, which includes adding a general practitioner, a pediatrician, a dentist, and another pharmacy counter. This scenario improves system performance by up to 21%, reduces patient waiting times by approximately 50%, and ensures a fair distribution of workload among staff.


simulation modeling, DMAIC, patient waiting queues, cost reduction, healthcare



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How to Cite

Ketan, H.S., Al‐Zuheri, A., Amer, Y. and Jaber, L. 2024. Application of Simulation Modeling and Lean Principles for Reducing Patient Waiting Queues and Cost: The Case Study of a Developing Country: Integration of Simulation and Lean. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 5 (Oct. 2024), 17076–17083. DOI:


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