PSI-SAW and PSI-MARCOS Hybrid MCDM Methods


  • Tran Van Dua School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam
Volume: 14 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 15963-15968 | August 2024 |


This paper presents a study on the hybridization of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) methods: Preference Selection Index (PSI), Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), and Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution (MARCOS). The hybridization was conducted between the PSI and the other two methods, resulting in new methods, namely PSI-SAW and PSI-MARCOS. For each specific problem, applying these two hybrid methods to rank alternatives among the available options produces three different sets of rankings: one created by PSI, one by the hybrid PSI-SAW, and one by the hybrid PSI-MARCOS. The accuracy of the proposed models was tested in three different cases. The test results show that both proposed models exhibit high accuracy. This study provides users with highly accurate and useful methods for MCDM.


MCDM, hybrid model, PSI-SAW, PSI-MARCOS


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How to Cite

Dua, T.V. 2024. PSI-SAW and PSI-MARCOS Hybrid MCDM Methods. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 4 (Aug. 2024), 15963–15968. DOI:


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