ECAP: Ensemble Clustering using Affinity Propagation


  • Ankita Sinha Department of CSE, Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, India
  • Rajiv Kumar Ranjan Department of CSE, Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, India
  • Sankalp Sonu Department of CSE, Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, India
  • Nitya Nand Jha Department of Civil Engineering, Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, India
  • Sanjeet Kumar Department of Civil Engineering, Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, India
Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 16296-16301 | October 2024 |


A vast amount of time-series data is generated from multiple fields. Mining these data can uncover hidden patterns and behavior characteristics. The analysis of such data is complex because they are voluminous and have high dimensions. Clustering can provide a preprocessing step to extract insights. However, clustering such data poses challenges, as many existing algorithms are not efficient enough to handle them. In addition, many traditional and modern clustering algorithms need help with parameter-tuning problems. Ensemble clustering, an amalgamation of clustering algorithms, has emerged as a promising method for improving the accuracy, stability, and robustness of clustering solutions. This study presents Ensemble clustering using Affinity Propagation (ECAP). AP is efficient because it does not require the number of clusters to be specified a priori, allowing the data to reveal its structure. When used in an ensemble framework, the inherent strengths of AP are amplified by integrating multiple clustering results. This aggregation mitigates the influence of any single, potentially suboptimal clustering outcome, leading to more stable and reliable clusters. Extensive experiments were performed on four real-world datasets for rand index, homogeneity, completeness, and V-measure to determine the efficacy of the proposed approach. The results show that the proposed method outperforms AP, Kmeans, and spectral clustering.


clustering, ensemble method, affinity propagation


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How to Cite

Sinha, A., Ranjan, R.K., Sonu, S., Jha, N.N. and Kumar, S. 2024. ECAP: Ensemble Clustering using Affinity Propagation. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 5 (Oct. 2024), 16296–16301. DOI:


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