Analysis of IPTV Channels Watching Preferences in Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • A. Tanovic Department for IT Development of Multimedia Services, BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • I. Androulidakis MPS Jozef Stefan, Slovenia, University of Ioannina, Greece
  • F. Orucevic Department of Computer Science and Informatics, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Volume: 1 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 105-113 | October 2011 |


IPTV service is a new service which is today offered from almost every Telecom operator. One of the advantages of IPTV service stemming from its architecture is certainly the fact that it is very easy to measure what TV channels are the ones mostly watched. This papers desribes this measurement and analysis results in one Telecom operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They describe what TV channels are mostly watched in different time periods. We developed a simple weighting algorithm to order the channels by watching rate. Based on it we are providing extensive tables. This paper forms an industrial contribution with results important for marketing but also is scientific contribution because it introduces one new method of scoring TV channels based on previous measurements in their audience. We also developed IPTV Statistics model and described results from this research for a new statistics model. This paper is the continuous of previously published contributions from this area.


– IPTV, TV channel, telecom operator, channel rating, statistics model


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How to Cite

Tanovic, A., Androulidakis, I. and Orucevic, F. 2011. Analysis of IPTV Channels Watching Preferences in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 1, 5 (Oct. 2011), 105–113. DOI:


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