Controlling Output Power to Enhance the Investment Efficiency of Wind Farms by Maximizing the Capacity of Transmission Transformers and Integrating Energy Storage Systems


  • Truong Viet Anh Hochiminh City University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Tung Linh Faculty of Control and Automation, Electric Power University, Ha Noi City, Vietnam
  • Dinh Ngoc Sang University of Architecture Hochiminh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hochiminh City University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Volume: 14 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 15751-15756 | August 2024 |


This study addresses inherent challenges stemming from uncertainty associated with the integration of wind energy into the electricity market. A novel approach is proposed to leverage the capabilities of dynamic transformers to optimize the utilization of uncertain wind power output, thereby enhancing financial investment efficiency for wind power stakeholders. The flexible combination of wind turbines (WTB), transmission transformers (TTS), and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) can actively reserve or provision electricity. Electricity generation control is based on optimal analysis results using linear integer programming algorithms that consider temperature fluctuations, lifespan of transformers, and electricity market prices. Maximizing the dynamic transformer's efficiency as proposed and optimizing revenue and costs from the fluctuating wind power output significantly improves financial performance metrics when investing in wind farm projects. Financial figures highlighted in the paper emphasize notable benefits, particularly for wind farm expansion projects. The potential return on investment ratio is expected to increase up to 5.64 times compared to conventional wind farm investment scenarios, with an improvement to increase from 4.4% to 24.8.


wind power optimization, electricity market, energy storage systems, dynamic transformer


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How to Cite

Anh, T.V., Linh, N.T. and Sang, D.N. 2024. Controlling Output Power to Enhance the Investment Efficiency of Wind Farms by Maximizing the Capacity of Transmission Transformers and Integrating Energy Storage Systems. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 4 (Aug. 2024), 15751–15756. DOI:


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