Review of Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanofluids: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications


  • Ilancheliyan Samylingam Faculty of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
  • Kumaran Kadirgama Faculty of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia | College of Engineering, Almaaqal University, Iraq | Centre for Research in Advanced Fluid and Processes, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia
  • Lingenthiran Samylingam Centre for Advanced Mechanical and Green Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • Navid Aslfattahi Department of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Devarajan Ramasamy Faculty of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
  • Norazlianie Sazali Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia
  • Wan Sharuzi Wan Harun Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia
  • Chee Kuang Kok Centre for Advanced Mechanical and Green Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Volume: 14 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 14708-14712 | June 2024 |


MXene-based nanofluids are important because of their thermal and rheological properties, influencing scientific and industrial applications. MXenes, made of titanium carbides and nitrides, are investigated for nanofluid enhancement. This review covers MXene nanofluid creation, characterization, and application. To produce nanoscale MXene particles, two-dimensional materials are dissolved and dispersed in a base fluid. The stability and efficacy of MXene nanofluids depend on production methods, such as chemical exfoliation, electrochemical etching, and mechanical delamination. Improved heat transfer coefficients and thermal conductivity from MXene nanofluids help resolve heat transfer, energy efficiency, and thermal control problems. This extensive review also addresses long-term safety and the necessity for standardized characterization methodologies, helping researchers optimize MXene-based nanofluids in many technological fields


MAX Phase, MXene, thermal conductivity, nanofluid


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How to Cite

Samylingam, I., Kadirgama, K., Samylingam, L., Aslfattahi, N., Ramasamy, D., Sazali, N., Harun, W.S.W. and Kok, C.K. 2024. Review of Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanofluids: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 3 (Jun. 2024), 14708–14712. DOI:


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