Estimation of Length and Order of Polynomial-based Filter Implemented in the Form of Farrow Structure


  • S. Vukotic School of Computing, University Union, Serbia
  • D. Babic School of Computing, Union University, Serbia
Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 1099-1102 | August 2016 |


Digital polynomial-based interpolation filters implemented using the Farrow structure are used in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) to calculate the signal between its discrete samples. The two basic design parameters for these filters are number of polynomial-segments defining the finite length of impulse response, and order of polynomials in each polynomial segment. The complexity of the implementation structure and the frequency domain performance depend on these two parameters. This contribution presents estimation formulae for length and polynomial order of polynomial-based filters for various types of requirements including attenuation in stopband, width of transitions band, deviation in passband, weighting in passband/stopband.


digital filters, filter design, polynomial-based filters, Farrow structure


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How to Cite

Vukotic, S. and Babic, D. 2016. Estimation of Length and Order of Polynomial-based Filter Implemented in the Form of Farrow Structure. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 6, 4 (Aug. 2016), 1099–1102. DOI:


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