Determination of Optimum Test Parameter Level Ranges for Machining Processes


  • Mohamed Almokhtar K. Alabayed Faculty of Engineering, Karabuk University, Turkiye
  • Safa Aisa Sasi Alghatous Faculty of Engineering, Karabuk University, Turkiye
  • Cevat Ozarpa Faculty of Engineering, Ankara Medipol University, Turkiye
  • Seyma Korkmaz Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Turkiye
  • M. Huseyin Cetin Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Konya Technical University, Turkiye
  • Ibrahim Salem A. Basher Faculty of Engineering, Sirte University, Libya
Volume: 14 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 14533-14538 | June 2024 |


In this study, the ideal experimental design planning for the machining process was investigated. Two experimental designs were created by differentiating the parameter levels considered in the drilling process of stainless-steel. Close and far-level designs were obtained by creating 20% and 40% differences between the parameter levels. In the experimental system prepared according to the Taguchi method, surface roughness and cutting forces were measured as the output parameters. The results were analyzed statistically by optimization, analysis of variance and correlation analysis, and visually by chip morphology examination. According to the findings, it was determined that a 20% difference between the parameter levels was more appropriate in terms of experimental system stability, statistical data significance, and chip morphology.


drilling, parameter level range, statistical analysis, surface roughness, cutting force


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How to Cite

Alabayed, M.A.K., Alghatous, S.A.S., Ozarpa, C., Korkmaz, S., Cetin, M.H. and Basher, I.S.A. 2024. Determination of Optimum Test Parameter Level Ranges for Machining Processes. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 3 (Jun. 2024), 14533–14538. DOI:


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