Influence of γ-Irradiation on the Structural Properties of Indium Monoselenide Crystals


  • F. A. Al-Mufadi College of Engineering, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
  • A. El-Taher Physics Dept, Faculty of Science, Al-Azher University, Assuit Branch, Egypt
  • G. A. Gamal Physics Dept, South Valley University, Egypt and College of Engineering, Alqassim University, Saudi Arabia
Volume: 6 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 1264-1268 | December 2016 |


Indium monoselenide (InSe) which is a layered semiconductor whose energy gap is 1.24 eV has received attention because of its potential applications in optoelectronic devices. In the present work n-type InSe crystals were grown by a special modification of the vertical Bridgman technique. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) patterns showed that all samples were single phased InSe. The crystals were irradiated with 100 - 500 KGy to reveal the influence of irradiation on the structural properties of the samples. Detailed structural analysis was done by Scherrerr’s procedures, x-ray peak broadening and Williamson–Hall plot methods to evaluate the crystalline sizes and lattice strain. Also from the relations between the irradiation dose and the deformation of the lattice parameters we could investigate and discuss the mutation of the dislocation density, grain size, microstrain and crystallinity of the grown crystals. Striking results are found due to irradiation in the present study for the first time.


Crystallite Size, Dislocation, InSe Crystals, Micro strain, Radiation Effects, XRD Analysis


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How to Cite

Al-Mufadi, F.A., El-Taher, A. and Gamal, G.A. 2016. Influence of γ-Irradiation on the Structural Properties of Indium Monoselenide Crystals. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 6, 6 (Dec. 2016), 1264–1268. DOI:


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