Development and Characterization of a PLA Biocomposite reinforced with Date Palm Fibers


  • Ines Ghanmi Laboratory LR18ES45, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Modeling and Mechanical Design, Nabeul Preparatory Engineering Institute, Carthage University, Tunisia
  • Faouzi Slimani LMPE LR18ES01, National Higher Engineering School of Tunis, University of Tunis, Tunisia
  • Samir Ghanmi Laboratory LR18ES45, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Modeling and Mechanical Design, Nabeul Preparatory Engineering Institute, Carthage University, Tunisia
  • Mohamed Guedri Laboratory LR18ES45, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Modeling and Mechanical Design, Nabeul Preparatory Engineering Institute, Carthage University, Tunisia | National Higher Engineering School of Tunis, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Volume: 14 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 13631-13636 | April 2024 |


Despite the promising potential of bio-composites derived from plant fibers due to their ecological and economic benefits, challenges persist in their preparation, restricting their commercial applications. These challenges are primarily associated with developing suitable methods, acquiring appropriate equipment for treating plant fibers, and addressing the time constraints in preparation. This study aims to contribute to the development and characterization of a new biocomposite and biodegradable material based on natural fibers produced through hot compression. The newly developed biocomposite comprises commercial biodegradable poly-lactic acid (PLA) as a matrix and untreated fiber fabric extracted from date palms as reinforcement. The use of untreated fiber fabric has successfully overcome the preparation difficulties. Experimental results on the new biocomposite reveal the strong adhesion between its fibers and the matrix, emphasizing the significant impact of choosing the right manufacturing conditions on the developed mechanical properties.


biocomposite, polylactic acid (PLA), Date Palm Fibers (DPFs), mechanical characterization


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How to Cite

Ghanmi, I., Slimani, F., Ghanmi, S. and Guedri, M. 2024. Development and Characterization of a PLA Biocomposite reinforced with Date Palm Fibers. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 2 (Apr. 2024), 13631–13636. DOI:


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