Investigation of the Behavior of Steel Shear Walls Using Finite Elements Analysis


  • K. Abubakri Department of Civil Engineering, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University Mahabad, Iran
  • H. Veladi Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 1155-1157 | October 2016 |


Currently, steel shear walls are considered by engineers as an economic method against lateral loads imposed by wind and earthquake in tall structures. Accordingly, there is a growing need to develop accurate methods alongside approximation methods to estimate the behavior of these structural elements. The finite element technique is one of the strongest numerical methods in analysis of solid mechanics problems. Finite element analysis however requires high technical knowledge of the behavioral models of materials. Therefore, it is less used by designers for certain structural elements such as steel shear walls. This study examines the failure mechanism of steel shear walls using finite elements analysis and validates this modeling by comparing the results with experimental studies.


steel shear wall, nonlinear analysis, post-buckling behavior, cyclic loading, lateral loading system


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How to Cite

Abubakri, K. and Veladi, H. 2016. Investigation of the Behavior of Steel Shear Walls Using Finite Elements Analysis. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 6, 5 (Oct. 2016), 1155–1157. DOI:


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